Tuesday, November 13, 2018


We all know they are pushing us to be beings who don't rely on anything tangible but the devices, and we are biological beings on planet earth... The further away we get from recognizing that fact, the more mental illness there will be. Nothing can replace the need for human interaction and TLC and no technological device can truly comfort the human soul... 

We all need to disconnect from the word around us into a place where there are no commercials or glitches and to hug a tree... even if sometimes it's in the form of a book with words printed on its pages, l which are somewhat lie the words etched into the bark of a tree. 

Books give us more than a story or information glowing from a screen and dependent on electricity. They give us peace...The energy needed to read it comes from the life that once was in the paper, from the pages that hands that assembled, and our own life-force projected into it... They can be right there for us, in an instant and without a glitch, even when the power goes out and we only have a candle to read it by... and the price can be free or a one time fee... with no other obligations... 

Which might be another reason why they don't want us reading library books or purchasing paper books ... They're independent


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