Tuesday, November 13, 2018


We all know they are pushing us to be beings who don't rely on anything tangible but the devices, and we are biological beings on planet earth... The further away we get from recognizing that fact, the more mental illness there will be. Nothing can replace the need for human interaction and TLC and no technological device can truly comfort the human soul... 

We all need to disconnect from the word around us into a place where there are no commercials or glitches and to hug a tree... even if sometimes it's in the form of a book with words printed on its pages, l which are somewhat lie the words etched into the bark of a tree. 

Books give us more than a story or information glowing from a screen and dependent on electricity. They give us peace...The energy needed to read it comes from the life that once was in the paper, from the pages that hands that assembled, and our own life-force projected into it... They can be right there for us, in an instant and without a glitch, even when the power goes out and we only have a candle to read it by... and the price can be free or a one time fee... with no other obligations... 

Which might be another reason why they don't want us reading library books or purchasing paper books ... They're independent


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


“The leaves are falling rapidly they’ll cover all the traces, though nature will make them vanish , the mind never erases “

(Written for Wide World of Sports international motocross championship races)

Race With Wind c Janis Y Eastwood 1969

Janis Spinks I wish that show was still available... ABCTV
but at least there's THIS



In October 1969, at the Inter-Am motocross race in Pepperell, Mass.,…

 Immediately after it aired, I remember receiving a phone call from a friend I knew from a decade or more of hanging out wtih my father, the announcer at Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, that I hadn't seen in quite a while. He was living in Maryland and watching WWS when he said he recognized my voice and said his eyes teared up... He just KNEW that was me singing and called all choked up to confirm it. That meant as much to me as hearing my song on TV ... The personal touch. Unforgettable. ~ Hi Mike :D

 The program was aired around the world and reached 10 million viewers... I remember my parents taking me to the top of the RCA building one beautiful evening when a warm wind was blowing... I had gone there on business and often ate lunch in the restaurant on the lower floor, at the time, waiting for the train home. As I stood there looking out at the sparkling lights of Manhattan, and the other boroughs, and New Jersey, my father reminded me that that's how many people had heard the song. ~ I never really needed to experience more of that. It was awesome enough to last a lifetime

 That's the same time  I first heard of John Denver... in the office of Robert Riger, of THE NOB HILL MOB , when he played me a record with him singing with The Chad Mitchell Trio. He was going solo then


Robert Riger - Wikipedia


Friday, November 2, 2018


The problem is the DEMOCRATS brainwashing people to hate... The problem is the REPUBLICANS brainwashing people to hate...
What is that crap... It's not one party or the other... hatred was here for thousands of years before we ever came on the scene ... I suppose it was the Democrats or the Republicans that crucified Jesus too...
AMERICA IS NOT A FOOTBALL GAME, although the corporations that own this country have made it such, for the entertainment of the people... just as Cesar built the Colosseum to keep people entertained as the government was falling apart for the same reasons that this one is falling apart...
A HOUSE DIVIDED SHALL NOT STAND.. it says in The Bible. I don't know the number of the chapter and verse, but I remember the lesson ... and the selfish, evil people who control the money and therefore The People, know this...
Stop rooting for one team or the other... and start thinking UNITY... as in UNITED STATES ... We are not just "America" ... and we were never intended to be a football game... This game started long before the current Democratic or Republican parties were even created... Remember it was corporations that sent the Explorers to find the land ... but it was our forefathers and the Patriots who had the dream and the hand of Divine Providence to assist to create this country and take it from them... The corporations are taking it back...
Wake up and stop this nonsence... Both parties are owned by The Elite ... and anyone who is a citizen of this country is an AMERICAN FIRST AND FOREMOST not a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN... unless they have chosen to play the game and lose the country... DIVIDE AND CONQUER is the even bigger game being played... keep playing this game and it will be GOOD BYE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ***

If I were rich ...

If I were rich, I would take all those people I possibly could, that God has brought to me, who need that, and give them a place and time to heal without having them have to jump through hoops and struggle to TRY and get it ... and endless paperwork and appointments when they are so tired their exhaustion is to the very core of their being...
More than counseling and doctors, what people need FIRST is comfort and peace, as a sick child needs to rest and to eat and sleep some more and have someone read them nice stories
But that seems to be reserved for Hospice, if they can even get that, then, instead of in the course of life when it's needed too... Especially mid-life for those people who never get vacations or breaks from the struggles, until they are dying
And this is an accepted way of life, for many people in poverty or single parents, and others, who fight a war every day, that noone seems to acknowledge as a war, and never get a break, trying to make ends meet, alone, against wave upon wave struggles and other people and their contempt and icy indifference ... telling them that they made the decisions that led to this and kicking dirt in their faces as they walk away ...
It's like telling someone that they decided to walk to work today, for whatever reason, in freezing cold so it's their own fault they got sick... when these days we know it's not the temperature that causes the illness ... it's the microbes and the lowered resistance to them due to a need for rest and supplies to keep them strong enough to fight it off.... Do you see the comparison?
Ignorance is like a rabid dog, and it's running rampant, among those who have a good life and are educated, biting and infecting other people and bringing them down, one by one, to suffer from a brain disease and a lack of love
The only true way to learn about life and the world in which you live , is to love, and the only way to cure the rabid dog is to learn... but so far, there is no cure for the rabid ignorance, though miracles happen every day ... The power of LOVE is just not courageous enough and willing to sacrifice to save humanity (yet people are willing to take up arms to kill to defend a country) People are not courageous and strong and loving enough to save the right to happiness and joy and prosperity in the land they think they are defending ... The enemy isn't them over there... It's ignorance (lack of love, and wisdom) right here...
"God Bless America" is only a slogan for a corporation if there is no strength and courage borne of LOVE to back it ***