Monday, May 21, 2018

Have NO doubt ... I AM THE POWER ~ God

I remember going home from Kentucky, in 2003, through Ohio, on the Interstate,on a beautiful, clear, hot summer's day. The whirr of the tires on the road... the vastness of the fields of corn and soybeans on both sides of the highway peacefully basking in the sun.... as we were just cruising along... talking about our wonderful experiences of the past couple of days ... Ahhh...
Well, the car I was in had a temperature gauge.and as we were cruising along at about 80 mph, the driver (I was in the backseat) with his eyes still on the road ahead, reached up and tapped on the inside gauge... He was drawing our attention to the rapid change in temperature... As we (passengers) watched it it fell from 90 to around 55 in a matter of seconds.
We looked out the back and saw people had pulled over under underpasses. We thought THEY KNOW SOMETHING! IT'S LIKE THEY KNOW A TORNADO IS COMING! But we could't slow down! There were other cars and tractor trailers behind and alongside us.
Then suddenly the driver said something like OH SHIT and we looked out the front and there was a DARK CURTAIN in front of us... It was swallowing up cars . They were there one second and totally obscured the next. The driver said, WELL WE HAVE NO CHOICE, and we went into it too. I said MAINTAIN SPEED AND JUST KEEP GOING! FOLLOW THE TAILIGHTS OF THE CAR IN FRONT OF US AND DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THEM... PRAY THEY KNOW THE ROAD AND DON'T GET INTO AN ACCIDENT OR TRY TO STOP ! We could barely even see the taillights of the car right in front of us... and the last time I'd looked, there was a tractor trailer behind us! There was no way they would be able to stop! They might not even be able to slow down! It was like we HAD to trust the one in front of us who was following the car in front of them, and so on... as if we were all on a string... OR A PRAYER CHAIN! .. We had no option but to HAVE FAITH AND KEEP ON KEEPING ON. The RAIN was torrential to say the last.
Then there was a deafening BOOM and a BRILLIANT flash of light... FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER ... AND ANOTHER!... then it dawned on me ...WE HAD ENTERED A SUPERCELL! WE WERE DRIVING THROUGH IT AT 70 MPH!! ... and e we all said, "OH MY ... GOD! " or something similar
Then suddenly we were all silent.... Focused... Praying... It was only a matter of maybe 5 minutes but it seemed like an eternity, and finally we were through it!
We were all breathless and full of exclamations, like HOLY HELL WE MADE IT! DID YOU SEE HOW THE TEMPERATURE DROPPED? THAT WAS A THUNDERHEAD WE JUST DROVE THROUGH! etc. and we wondered (for a moment) if the people behind us had been hit with a tornado, because just as we entered the DARK CURTAIN OF RAIN there was a sudden BLAST OF WIND ... but we were so relieved to find the sun shining DAZZLING BRIGHT on the other side and joyful that THE RAIN HAD WASHED EVERYTHING CLEAN AND SPARKLING LIKE DIAMONDS IN THE BRILLIANT SUNSHINE, that we forgot everything else and merely rejoiced saying WE'RE ALIVE! WE MADE IT!
(*Two days before, we had just gotten to our motel in Kentucky when Iwe heard about the BLACK-OUT that had hit several states,including NY, PA and Ohio and other areas nearby, leaving the people back home in NY without power, and in a humid, oppressing heat... We had watched that on the news in the lounge after dunner, with mouths open and making comments and muttering WOW.... but the area we had been in was like an island in that we still had power and TV. We thought that was weird and remarkable, until we experienced THIS! )
I have been through some interesting times, but nothing has ever really quite matched this... Thankfully, by the time we got home, the power was back on...It had been coming back on to the towns and cities we passed through, just minutes before, each time... ... It was like we had been visited PERSONALLY by GOD, and he was telling us something like REMEMBER THIS ... I AM GOD AND I SAW YOU THROUGH ALL THIS! LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS! The power had been out, but not for us, then we had been ENGULFED IN THE POWER, and when we got home, THE POWER WAS ON....
Even when times are so dark and wild that you can't see The Light. and there is no shelter from the storm, KEEP THE FAITH ... and MAINTAIN SPEED AND KEEP ON GOING... KEEP FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE and FOLLOW THE GLIMMER OF HOPE WITH FAITH... THIS TOO SHALL PASS and the BRILLIANCE on the other side will be DAZZLING, AND THE ROAD AHEAD WILL ALL BE MADE NEW... 'Your FAITH has seen you through this...Welcome Home. .. The Power is ON ... AND I AM THAT POWER! ~ God'

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