Monday, April 2, 2018


It never made sence to me that JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS... That he PAID THE PRICE for our sins..

This is how I see it (as best I can convey it tonight)

People were paying for animal sacrifices that were given to the priests to eat, as if the priests would put in a word for them so their prayers would be answered and their salvation would be guaranteed. They did make a sacrifice of money that could have been used for other things they needed or wanted, so they WERE going without something, but it had nothing to do with sacrificing lusts of the ego or from Love.., but more as a duty

So in essence, it always seemed to me that if people were thinking that Jesus died for us and paid the price for our sins, that they were still doing as they had been doing but replacing many animal sacrifices with the ultimate Sacrifice (Jesus) and still going through rituals and continuing to pay money to the churches that provide for the priests (still paying money for that one Ultimate Sacrifice) to those whom they believe would intercede on their behalf.... (So much for having a personal relationship with God!)

But Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb to be the example.... I AM THE (animal) SACRIFICE and you need to be the sacrifice too... to teach us that the only way to become one with God was to be willing, with Love, to sacrifice the lusts of personal ego, by giving and doing all for Love consciously and by choice, directly ... Sacrificing the lusts of the Ego for the Love of God

I was always taught that this is not something anyone can do for you... That you have to do it yourself... following the example Jesus gave... LOVING and not acting from the Ego... and the way to Eternal Life is through HIS EXAMPLE... Because his heart was not on finite material gains or lusts, but on the Spirit within, and Eternal Life....Therefore through his lessons, his example, he is the Way, the Truth and the Life ever-lasting... because he was one with these things, just as an evil person is one with their evil deeds....They ARE the evil they do

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