Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The eerie dream of Bannerman's Island

My dear long-time childhood friend, I'm sure you'll remember how I had just told you about the long dream I had, the night before, about the woman. in the castle. on an island. in a wide river, and how I was summoned to banish her ghost from the castle because her wailing was scaring people ... There were children playing in the livingroom when I arrived, by boat, through the dangerous water... The children were put to bed and the man who had welcomed me told me the time when she would appear. I told him I was not afraid... to which he said WELL YOU WILL BE... He had gone elsewhere. and it was very quiet... when this woman appeared. at the appointed time. I asked her who she was and why she was scaring people, and she said it was dangerous there and she didn't want people to come... She said they called her the banshee of Bannerman's Island. She spoke to me of how she could never understand why people make war with one another... she said they told her that when she grew up she would see, but she said I STILL CAN'T SEE... and I saw that she was blind, (blind to the reason for wars) ... We talked for a while longer ( I still remember things she told me and showed me) and then she told me to go and not look back ... I knew she was going to do something to destroy it... and as I finished telling you, you showed me the newspaper that you had just picked up... showing the fire- and all... I was shocked to find that it was an actual place. That was August 8th 1969

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