Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Sometimes there are dark days, when the clouds are so thick it's almost like twilight, and the rain keeps falling like it will never end, but just as night is about to decend, the sun comes out, totally unexpectedly, and the golden-orange-rose color of the rays dance on the clouds that were so dark just a short time before ... as a rainbow appears in the eastern sky...

September 15th 2011 was one of the DARKEST rainy days I've ever experienced. Usually I find rainy days to be restful, but on this day it just seemed to dampen my spirits. I was feeling annoyed and disheartened, when the sun came out just before it set for the day.

As I headed south on Rt 9G to St Andrews Road the whiper blade was squeeking on the windshield because there was a light rain falling. Then as I turned west onto St Andrews, this (above) is what struck me ...

AS I turned in to the the little plaza by the Credit Union, this is what I saw as I turned parking the car facing east (below) ... a big, brilliant, complete rainbow!

... and as I watched, where there had been one, now there were two (look closely) ... more brilliant than any I remembered seeing in years ... It seemed to say: BELIEVE!!!

with FAITH all things are possible .... BELIEVE!!!

(* two by two ; )

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