Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Postcard

So how are things with YOU ?? ... I've been keeping busy... and then dropping... you know how it is... one extreme or the other... but I'm finding little things to make life more fun when I have the motivation! It's been cloudy and rainy here for days and days, but here and there the sun peeks out for a while every other day or so. It's not really bad, just keeps me drowsy... nature's tranquelizer...

Jay and I decided to go on a little adventure last Thursday. We were doing the usual errands and noticed this big thunderhead moving toward the valley. Well at about that same time we both had a yen for Oriental food, and the only place where there's good oriental now, is out on Rt 44... Sooo...with rain beating on the windshield making it near zero visibility at some points, we trekked there, dashed thru a lake sized puddle to get into the place, and got soaked with a torrential downpour... dripping like we just got out of swimming in the ocean or something, we ordered... laughing. It felt like being on vacation ... and the best part was it was so warm that the clammy feeling was just a bit uncomfortable afterward, not chilling... and after a nice warm sweet meal, the only thing left to do was nap > so I did!!

Ah ... MINI-VACATIONS > save on gas and motel rentals!* = )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ride the River of LIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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