Saturday, October 26, 2019


I remember when  I was young, when  the family  dog was hungry he'd bring has paper plate in and drop it at my feet, when I was sitting in the dining or livingroom. One day my mother was sitting with me and we teased him by talking to one another... WHAT DOE HE WANT? ... I HAVE NO IDEA... He looked at her and them me and picked the plate up and  dropped it on the floor with a firm paw going down on it and, with his throat, he said I WANT!!! ... That was the FIRST time ... 

I had a Beagle that I had ESP with all his life, which is how I came to him to begin with. If he barked that he needed something, I'd look out at him or picture him . Somehow, I would  understand what he wanted. I'd 'tell' him to stop barking, lay down and I'd bring him whatever it was. He'd stop barking and go lay down....  But the first time I really knew we were doing that was when he was in the yard and got his rope tangled through two bushes. I could see how it was tangled and, pictured him doing it,  gave him hand motions as to what to do to get untangled. He stood there fixed on me and then went and untangled the rope. ... Many times after that, this is how we "spoke" to one another, for 13 years. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Follow "the Monarch" ...

It's been almost 3 months since I left my job of building cardboard castles, putting 3D puzzles together again, and assisting travelers through the maze of  needs and wants, and walking with them, sharing many experiences and personal knowledge, for minutes at a time

I have missed it, but needed to embark on this  new phase of my life experience for a number of reasons, most of which are personal... art, music, communing with nature, spiritual and physical exercise and such ...

It takes a while to build a new dwelling place while disassembling an old one. Though the time is mostly spent in discarding things, it does take time to know which things to keep and which to send back to the universe from whence they came... spiritually as well as materially speaking...

I've  had to program my subconscious to work behind the scenes to guide me to better foods and ways without conscious effort... It knows what I need better than I do, but this approach is entirely different from the conscious approach, as it is merely picturing certain things and not thinking about how to go about them, just resting and waiting until the methods are worked out and ready to put into play...many of them 'automatically'

There is a lot of sleeping and resting and playing with this and that that go into it..  The body often doesn't want to function well, because it is going through its chrysalis state, as a butterfly does, in a manner of speaking...

In the body and mind there are many little things that begin to  change as the new needs and desires aren't yet in place and working... It's necessary to  exercise them slowly, working in increments, carefully, bit by bit, with conscious awareness, in a relaxed, receptive, mode...

It's like the growth and unfurling of a new seedling... gaining strength, pushing upward, focusing on the sun... to finally be able to do more and bigger things, to blossom and nurture new  shoots, new ideas and manifestations of life experience

It is a rehabilitation of the spirit, mind and body... a revitalizing of the life force as it flows and expresses itself ...

The walk ahead requires a steady gait and strength and agility that have been left to turn to stone for too long... and this requires flexing  the body, the legs, the ankles, right down to the feet and toes, and every muscle, joint, tendon and vein within them... This is the body growing new roots and must be done gently, slowly, a bit at a time, moving them in every direction possible... before taking in the more energetic and active tasks of running, jumping, lifting etc... of  'taking flight'

And these principles are being applied in all areas and aspects of my life experience, body, mind and soul... It is a renewal and  also a new birth ... from the worthwhile things of the past, the seeds, comes the renewed being that is also the new being

So if you wonder what I am doing and why I have seemed to be in seclusion for a while, it's just that I have been working, like the seed in the soil, answering to the elements and the life from 'the son', to come forth again, ready to embark on the journey of this new phase of my life...

as I follow "the Monarch" ever higher, and further...

~ RiverLightRider

* PS ~ I haven't seen A Monarch Butterfly in 20 years, but during this time, just after I wrote this piece, one came out of the blue, flitted up to my car, against my windshield, as if looking in at me, and vanished again...
I had just enough time to take this one photo

Thursday, October 17, 2019

God is with WE THE PEOPLE

People tend to think that the Government is in control but actually it's the Federal Reserve and corporate lobbyists .... and money is power and every time more Laws are enacted, we lose even more rights
THE BIBLE only had 10 Commandments, but corporations and the government have millions of LAWS, and most of them have to do with public opinion controlled by the media which is controlled by the corporations and the economy controlled by the Fed Reserve
So tell me, after I render everything unto Caesar, where does GOD fit in? Ah God is still more powerful because God can go where no human but those spiritually aware and receptive to God can go
Therefore WE THE PEOPLE still have the potential to have far more power than Caesar

Friday, September 27, 2019


I have been through really hard times and yet somehow, at the final moment sometimes, there was a break and a blessing that carried me along... It's not easy but that's where counting the blessings comes in...

It's like riding in a car and the scenery gets boring and your body is so tired of riding and hurts all over, and you look and find things in the passing scenery that stand out, even though many times it's just something simple, but it's just so memorable that with all the hours you were driving,  though you don't remember most of what you saw or experienced,  you really remember  are those things you saw that made you smile ... 

Friday, May 24, 2019


I remember July 4th 1976... I lived in Poughkeepsie NY ... at noon... the ringing of the church bells across America... The Sun was shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky. The TV was on and I called my Mother to join in the joy we all felt at that moment... While we were talking , and joyous about the ringing of the bells and the celebration sea to shining sea, there was a sound . as if it was the sound of Muskets being fired, in the distance, but moving closer, rlolling up the valley... perhaps from a celebration at West Point to the south... ... but when I suggested what it wounded like, my ex said it was thunder and suddenly the sky grew dark.... VERY dark... I looked out the widows and felt the slamming of a sudden gust of wind... There was nothing on the streets... Not a person on the sidewalks... not a sign of another people anywhere... One by one the brightly ringing bells stopped ringing until there was only one bell .. and it as slow and deep... IT WAS TOLLING , and as it stopped the wind came up like a hurricane and the lightning flashed. for the rest of the day and into the night, there was a TORRENTIAL rain and wind and looking out the window I could barely see the street. It was a rainstorm like none I had seen before, except in a hurricane, yet it wasn't a hurricane...and it hadn't been forecast in the weather reports... With that, my ex said he was suddenly very tired and said he HAD to go lay down. Always energetic and never a one to sleep during the day, this wasn't like him at all. He went upstairs and was gone maybe half an hour when he came down crying out about hordes of people screaming... He covered his ears to try and silence it, but couldn't... CAN'T YOU HEAR IT? CAN'T YOU HEAR IT? he shouted, in anguish, as if to be heard above the loud wailing. I had never known him to say anything like this before or to hear him cray out as he had...Not before or since I said I didn't hear anything but the sound of the wind and the rain, but he knew that I had heard the tolling bell and watched as the sky became almost as dark as night, as the streets became deserted and not a car went by all afternoon, in a rain that I could barely see the street, a few yards from the livingroom window, through ... and a voice as if from deep withing me said AMERICA WILL NOT STAND FOR YET ANOTHER 100 YEARS *At the time I lived in a house where The Poughkeepsie Seer, Andrew Jackson Davis, had lived, with a doctor, for a time