I am so angry at the people who are supposed to be helping other people acting like It's JUST a job, or like they are too important "to deal with this crap" or who think it's just a game of some kind there to amuse themselves ... The people relying on them aren't "just another number", when THEY are in a position to help or destroy other people ...
They need to do their jobs and stop giving people who rely on them the runaround, and claiming to be there to help, or find themselves another job ... because "THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO DO THIS "
... btw, You trained professionals, that's not "JUST a paper", "JUST a phone call" or JUST an appointment" you "can't" keep because you have something else to do, or because you "forgot" ... Trained professional that you are, should someone need to tell you that?
I am sooo pisssed it goes beyond words.
They seem to expect more from the people who are relying on them than they can ever expect of these people who are supposed to be there to help ... because, after all, it's only a job and if they didn't need the money they'd be on a beach somewhere ...
(* Not everyone is like this, but there are far too many of them
And we wonder why the world is falling apart ??? )
I don't think it's because God said... "Oh People... sigh... why did I even bother creating them? I could be musing happily in all eternity but, well, everyone has to have something to do... You know... It's a job.. but don't expect any miracles from me... I'm only one God and I have a lot to handle"
If you go to your job, ANY job, and think you're not important, or that your job is only there to pay the bills and maybe take a vacation once a year, think again ... and don't shrug it off with a bunch of excuses ... Lives are in the balance and people depend on you!