Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Enjoy the Ride

I don't care for the harsh ways people have these days ... The wisest people and the most spiritually strong aren't TOUGH and don't talk like they're TOUGH and don't use words like F*** and Badass, and Bitch, and Balls, and all that ...

They don't fight for things as if they have to prove themselves and have a need to "win no matter what it takes"... wanting to be #1 like they are better than anyone else

They flow with grace and bend with the winds, firmly rooted in their faith in themselves and the universe ... and seeing the bigger picture, knowing that they cannot lose ...

Life is Eternal ... Enjoy the ride

Monday, May 22, 2017



I am so angry at the people who are supposed to be helping other people acting like It's JUST a job, or like they are too important "to deal with this crap" or who think it's just a game of some kind there to amuse themselves ... The people relying on them aren't "just another number", when THEY are in a position to help or destroy other people ...

They need to do their jobs and stop giving people who rely on them the runaround, and claiming to be there to help, or find themselves another job ... because "THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO DO THIS "

... btw, You trained professionals, that's not "JUST a paper", "JUST a phone call" or JUST an appointment" you "can't" keep because you have something else to do, or because you "forgot" ... Trained professional that you are, should someone need to tell you that?

I am sooo pisssed it goes beyond words.

They seem to expect more from the people who are relying on them than they can ever expect of these people who are supposed to be there to help ... because, after all, it's only a job and if they didn't need the money they'd be on a beach somewhere ...

(* Not everyone is like this, but there are far too many of them
And we wonder why the world is falling apart ??? )

I don't think it's because God said... "Oh People... sigh... why did I even bother creating them? I could be musing happily in all eternity but, well, everyone has to have something to do... You know... It's a job.. but don't expect any miracles from me... I'm only one God and I have a lot to handle"

If you go to your job, ANY job, and think you're not important, or that your job is only there to pay the bills and maybe take a vacation once a year, think again ... and don't shrug it off with a bunch of excuses ... Lives are in the balance and people depend on you!

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Wizard within

Things we go through show us the strength and ability we had within ourselves all the time ... like when The Good Witch (intuition) tells Dorothy that she always had the ability to go back home, and all she had to do was click her heels three times and say THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME...which is like saying have faith in yourself and your abilities and you'll find your way back to familiar ground, because you got through all this even with doubts as to your own ability to think, feel or having the courage to make it, and you were never alone on the path

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Ghost of the little Girl

Ghosts, at least some of them, ARE real... Through the years I've interacted with some and they are detectable with the right equipment., but none of them has ever harmed me or tried to.

I have friends who are Paranormal Hunters and one night they invited a small group of us to come with them on a call ... They had been there before but none of us had ever been on a call with them before and they told us nothing about the house except that these ghosts were friendly and interactive... and one was especially fond of the man I knew in the group.

The family dog was wandering around and I kept noticing something about him... but I wasn't sure what it was. The man I knew in the group (I worked with him on another job) had an energy meter that he turned on and left on the coffee table by me.

For the longest time we just sat there talking. The dog went upstairs and nothing much seemed to be happening, but when someone finally said something about that, at that moment the dog entered the room and came near me, where I sat by the coffee table. ..

Suddenly I felt that there was a little girl in the room and that she was following the dog around because she felt shy with all the strangers there, and I told them that. The light meter went up to full signal, which meant it was detecting an energy source. I thought maybe it was a trick or something, so I said what I felt regarding her age and appearance, and it went up to full again. I spoke to her and each time I said something, it lit up ... and noone was touching it or anything.

My friend (there are 3 hunters) said he thought it was a boy he had contacted before and it barely lit up. I said it was a girl and it went full tilt. (My friend said that was unusual because it was usually the boy he contacted... though there was a girl too, and she was the one who always seemed to want to play with him.) I said that she had stayed away because she felt odd with all the strangers. It went full tilt. I said that she had been following the dog all evening when she was in the room with us, because she felt safer with him, and it lit up full again. I felt that she wanted the one man to come up to her room and play with her and it lit up full . The dog left and ran up the stairs.

He went into the hallway and we could hear sounds of someone 's light feet padding up the stairs... followed by a little shuffling at the top of the stairs. He spoke to her a bit from the hallway at the bottom of the stairs where we could all see him. The other people were all in the livingroom.

We heard the feet coming down again. A heat sensor then detected the presence of a heat source by him. He felt her touch his hand, as if to take him up to play, and he got a strange, rather sad, look on his face as he looked at us and said he could feel her hand in his ...Then there was a shuffling on the stairs that stopped about halfway up (against the wall to the livingroom) .... He looked up the stairs and told her we'd been there a while and had to go now, because it was late and he had to be up early the next morning but that he's come by again real soon.

At that moment, we all heard a child's audible voice from the hallway say NOOOO in a sad tone. The energy meter was still on the coffee table and was now on pause...not detecting energy because she was not in the room. The dog came back into the room as we were getting up to leave and the energy meter stayed dormant.

What I said is true ... I have to say it was real.