Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas past ... and Present All Year


                     Christmas Past ... and Present All Year                                      

When I was younger, I spent a number of lonely Christmasses far from my family and friends... among strangers who I rarely saw or had the chance to talk to... There was noone to really share them with, not even to prepare for them with...  I imagined being with those who were laughing and talking excitedly and sharing the Day, and that made me lonlier and sadder than ever ...

Now I'm older and Christmas has changed time and time again as loved ones and dear friends have moved away or passed on, but I have the sweet memories of those times we shared ... and I smile... and I have new people here to laugh and make new memories with... and I am blessed

All it takes is one special person to share the Day with, to make it all it needs to be, and to bring joy ... We have 364 days in a year to make memories with everyone else we know and meet ... and that is like having Christmas ALL YEAR to me 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The One Thing That Really Matters

There was a time when everyone around me seemed to have gone insane... I was being as clear as possible but getting nothing but nonsence advice that didn't pertain and a runaround from those who should have had the answers, and were in a position to make a difference. Apparently all they cared about was getting their paycheck and going home or on the golf course. I had done all the right things and it didn't matter. I learned the the only way to deal with things is to do what you can at the moment and not plan for the future, unless it's planning a vacation or something. Sticking to your values is vital and doing the right thing is always best because it's who you are, and if the world wants to go insane, it will no matter what you do. I just take the good as it comes and make the most of it. They say that God has a plan for each of us, but sometimes our part in the plan is to teach others by example, sometimes it's to be the martyr without trying, sometimes it's to be the victim that gets mislead, sometimes it's just to be the knothole in the tree, and sometimes it's full of blessings that makes life pure joy, but it is what it is because we live in a world where there are all kinds of people and they are all part of the plan too. It's not all about ME... or YOU, and the planet itself does things that are devastating to many people. Our attitude and how we as individuals, deal with things is what builds our spiritual body... the one we take with us. Here today and gone tomorrow is the way of the world. The one thing we can control is ourselves. Not necessarily the outer self all the time, but the inner self... where our values are... and to have faith that everything will turn out alright, here or in the hereafter. ... but whatever happens on earth, we know that things of this world won't last forever, and at least we've stored up our treasures in Heaven. Since who we really are is all we can take with us, that's what's most important...and the legacy we leave behind... by being the best example we can be... and loving the life we are given and everything in it to the best of our ability at any given time.