Thursday, November 5, 2015


                  ... AND I WILL DANCE

How many times in my life I have come to the edge of an abyss and seen there was no bridge, as fear seizes me, as I perceive the vastness of empty promises and expectations, and anticipate the fall ... but then a detour sign appears, and I sigh with relief... Although, oftentimes, it's not the direction I wanted to go in, and many times the path has been difficult and filled with shadows, one day there will come an abyss that is without a bridge or detour sign, and I will NOT be afraid, because I will have no need of the material world and all the things in it that weigh me down. Taking only the LOVE that I have known and the Hearts of those who have shared it with me, I will rise above it to be as free as the Light that dances on the water, being called forth on The River of Life to become one with the Light that dances on the vast ocean of Eternal Creation ... for I am
 The RiverLightRider

Friday, September 25, 2015

My ship will come in

The future is in transition ...

the lifelines are cut and dangling into space ...

reaching out in all directions ...

Soon, silently,
 as a thief in the night, 
   my ship will come in ...

and I will return home ...

I AM the RiverLightRier

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


While others look to the future 
and struggle to maintain earthly security,
I appreciate the moment 
and dream where no human can go

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Where has the summer gone? The Fair has passed and school is back in session for the winter...


BUT RIGHT NOW ... It's the 8th of September 2015,  11:30 AM and already 87 degrees...

Here I am sitting in the livingroom, in my wicker chair at the wicker coffee table/desk, near the windows, feeling the hot breezes waifing in, and actually loving it. The sun is still coming in the windows because it's not yet noon-thirty, and the plants on the windowsill are basking in it like a couple of old folks at the beach lol

The view of a wall of leafy trees is just beyond the little lawn strip and it always makes me smile to watch air move the leaves in a dance of some kind... sometimes with additional help in the form of squirrels.

The sound of traffic on the highway just beyond is a playful little orchestra of sounds in itself... usually a sustained breathy hum accented occassionally by the sound like a flute , or by the whine like a violin or the droning sound of a viola, sometimes with the sound of a tuba, or horn, and the chirps of birds by day and the sound of millions of tinkling bells of the crickets by night...

and with the windows open and the smell of fresh mown grass breezing in, how could I NOT love days like this???

Thursday, March 5, 2015

the savage materialists

"I have been watching videos on primal people who live in remote areas and it strikes me how they are being driven out and their worlds left in ruins so that "civilized"people, like you and me, can have those things that we have grown accustomed to and take for granted. We have those things at their expense... and yet... people are going to great lengths and great expense to save animals that are endangered. We are raping the world with a lust that is out of proportion with what nature intended. We speak of global warming and of the greenhouse gases and of the pollution from fossil fuels and few really seem to see that if we continue to live as we are living now, and continue to rape the land that these remote tribes of  people will be the first to go, and we will be in line in due course of time as well. .. just as the Native Americans are struggling for survival today, for the same reasons. Not so long ago families owned acres of land,and farmed it. There were many dairy farms. Now there are few and the foods are grown with chemicals and the cattle and other animals that once lived on farms,outdoors, are kept in huge controlled barns and in cages and never allowed the freedom to graze in open pastures or roam in wild grasses. Soon we will all be living in controlled environments living  in little cubicles , in controlled environments and never able to go outside and roam and feel the sun and breezes and smell the flowers ... and is happening now, and people welcome it... air conditioning, artificial lighting, and clothes driers, being the most obvious conveniences that we not only accept, but welcome as blessings that free us to do other things... like work more hours just to have our basic needs met... and many are not able to do so, and are finding themselves on the streets without food or medical attention, right here in America. Open your eyes... open your minds... the world is closing in on us... it is closing in on YOU.... like a stranger with a lolllipop it beckons... and the people follow like children lusting for the sweet taste of materialistic success, which most will never have, and those who do, have sold their souls for, and dance like puppets to entertain us...... and they smile because not to is to die..."

comment composed by RiverLightRider