Monday, March 11, 2013

I had thought that I would do most of my writing here in the winter months when I had more time, but apparently that's not so... I just got mellow, studied things ( input) and semi-hibernated...

SO...well, I guess Spring through Fall is my outgoing time, which is fitting, so I might not be on ehere much now either, but out gathering thoughts and experiences to share when it gets cool again.

Time just changed and already I can feel Spring calling me, like it did to old Moley in the Wind in the Willows...
I feel it welling up within me, like the sap rising in a Sugar Maple...

I took a walk at Roosevelt Estate after work yesterday, taking my first steps into a new spance of growth and renewal... around the Wallace Center this time, for the first time... walking on the soggy grass, seeing how the deer had been there, and being greeted by a squirrel who came very near to me... being beckoned by the door in the wall to THE SECRET GARDEN...