Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Just Ahead

Here comes another new year. Already 12 years since 2000. I remember when it seemed like 2000 would never get here, and now... huh? I hear a lot of other people saying the same thing. I guess it's been a busier 12 years than it's seemed...

Actually if you break it down and make notes of things you did that mark the year for you, you'd probably be surprised at how much you did... or experienced.Then it might well be, "ONLY 12 years?!" That's what happened when I did that the other day.

It might be a fun thing to do and a way to see how productive you've been and to count your blessings... and maybe think of what you'd like to do in the next 12 months. Maybe you'd find that you don't like the trend of the past 12 years, and if it seemed to whiz by, now would be a good time to plan for the next few, because time does move on and fill itself with a lot of things... and you don't want another decade to go by saying "Where did all the time go? " At least sit back and think about the past decade or so... make notes... Something you can look at and remember, and not just a blur... something you can learn from as well as enjoy. A good time to pull out the old photos too perhaps... and laugh together... not just in cyberspace...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Although I'm sorry to have left this on such a dark note for so long... here comes the Brightness of the HOLIDAYS!!! It's been a good year all in all... and I hope yours has been as well !

I am sure there are at least one or two people out there who are wondering why I haven't posted anything new in such a very long time. I have been writing, but you know how life can be... and some of the things I have been working on require more time, even though i generally prefer to write in a simple manner so that even pre-teens, and others who don't like to read all that much, might read and enjoy it... or some of it, anyway.

I hope to have more to PRESENT very soon * = )

In the meantime, I hope you are well, warm, safe and enjoy the Holidays !