Sunday, July 18, 2021

Nathan's Idealistic Dream"

In peaceful nights 
when I was all alone
my Nathan came to me
and brought from within the halls of castles
a warmth and the feeling of angels

Always asking to be recognized my Nathan burst out strong

and many times on summer nights
could be heard the whole night long

Sometimes in anger
peace, pain or sorrow

but always the words were clear
That drifted outside through my windowscreen
 to touch a distant ear

While the world was sleeping
yet sad and angered
Nathan gave the messege of love
that made even the dogs in the dark stop barking
at the little soft white dove

But just as all things live and die

so will one day be with this too
unless the messege that Nathan brings

is carried on by you.................
....................... LOVE

c Janis Y. Eastwood 1968

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Before I was born, I AM

 There was something important lost a couple of months ago and tonight while searching for something else, I found it! I had looked in the same place as well as everywhere else I could think of, and so had someone else... It didn't make any sence. It seemed to be gone, and yet I kept getting the feeling it would come back... and it did... and yet, it is not exactly as it was ... It's appearance had changed., but the content hadn't.

Yesterday I was talking to Beloved Jesus about concerns about certain things, and asking for a "sign" that would leave no doubt that He, and my Avatar friend, were listening and guiding me right now. I suppose that sounds strange to some people, and yet not to many people I know, but you know how sometimes you just need to know that you're not alone in working on certain situations that you can't really put into words to be able to ask others to assist with, because they are Spiritual things that take time, and conditions on earth being what they are, the appearance of the outcome "is not guaranteed", because many trials and setbacks seem to be preventing it, until it seems that it is lost or pointless to continue to give any credence to.... Sometimes because things were started so long ago that they seem forgotten, or like something changed and the outcome that was "foretold" is no longer possible, or like it was only a dream... but yet, you know it wasn't a dream.... but if you truly desire it with all your Heart, you must not let the appearances cause you to give up on it, and sometimes we just need that little bit of encouragement to keep from giving up on it, when we feel there is nothing we can do to help bring it about Finding this, today, was a clear indication that I am still being guided, as I was guided to find this NOW. The fact that it is the same yet not the same, as the appearance has been changed, it also part of the "prophecy" of something that was foretold to me years ago... Not to trust in appearances but to LOOK WITH THE HEART.

To those who have known me for decades they will remember what I am talking about, although to those who have not been following this with me, it will sound like pure nonsence, but a time is coming when I will be able to tell this whole story and it won't be the mystery it is being presented as, here and now My messege to YOU here and now, is to HAVE FAITH and know that everything happens in God's time, and everything that happens, no matter how disturbing or trivial it may seem, happens for A REASON, and to BELIEVE that there is a Presence that sees and loves each of us beyond what any person can comprehend without experiencing it, as this is Unconditional Love ... but it is REAL, and Eternal and NOTHING is ever truly lost, as long as there is LOVE that brought it into being and you still have the LOVE in your Heart to sustain it with a true desire to see it manifest, to come forth for the good of others, as well as yourself, it will ... and if you LOOK WITH YOUR HEART and not with your eyes, you will recognize it when it presents itself, even though its appearance may not be exactly the same as you once knew or had envisioned... This goes for people who have passed on that you thought were GONE, as well as ANY other things that hold a special significance... First you must KNOW that GOD is REAL and that ALL things ARE "possible" to you even if you don't know HOW to obtain them, just as surely as we might desire to hold a flower and not know how it is produced to be able to obtain and delight in it ... It must be borne of the seed of LOVE, a desire that is held with Tender Love and Nurtured, given the conditions it needs, and not forced or demanded into being, but given time for the processes to bring it to fruition... however long it takes for those conditions that create and nurture it to fruition may take... You must know that the Lifeforce (GOD by any name) is working on it and that it is alright to ask for an indication of that, to provide us with encouragement *This example of the flower is to present this "process" in simple terms As someone once told me, "Anything Truly GOOD is worth waiting for"... Is it not?

Sunday, June 14, 2020


I was a skinny little white girl who loved nature art and music and people and animals learning and was shunned by a lot of kids whose fathers were corporate managers all through school.... I wasn't MATERIALISTIC or COMPETITIVE in the usual sence., therefore, they didn't allow me into their clubs or groups and when I joined one that was supposed to be for EVERYONE they shunned me even there... I won't get into their predominant religion or nationality but the point is , I DO know what it feels like... but as I got older I learned to keep reaching back to people who reached out to me and to reach out to the others who were shunned... and found that they came from all walks of life, and are even among those who had shunned me as a child...... What matters is keeping your heart on a higher goal... GOD and LOVE and reaching back wherever you find there's a need for it....
If you can't see it as a Spirit, then you're  looking in the wrong direction, away from The Light... nitpicking over the petty Earthly things... the things in this world and not what's in your Heart ... That's all that you can take with you when you leave here in a few decades , and the memories of things that were> How you live here and now is all that matters... Not who has a nicer house or more more privilege or what nationalities you are... or ANY of that... It's all well and good to consider as you play on the playground of this world, but never lose sight of why we are all here, and what level we are going as Eternal Spirits

LOVE is all that really matters

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I've seen a lot of changes in my almost 70 years on earth... some for the better, especially in regards to Civil Rights, but this country has been on a downward spiral for most of the time I've been alive.... Unless people stand up for the history of this country and the Documents that were the cornerstones, it will fade and be forgotten before it can celebrate 300 years 56 years from now ...

I remember 1976. It was hot and sunny and bright.... There was a joyous festive feeling in the air... I was listening to the bells as they rang out across the country... suddenly the sky grew very dark and the sound of thunder was like cannonfire (which I actually thought it was commemorating the day) .. And as the bells slowly stopped ringing one DEEP bell gave long, low tones and suddenly there was a downpour that lasted for HOURS as I have never seen before ... I am psychic and was living in the house of The Poughkeepsie Seer at the time....  Something told me that America will not last another 100 years and the wind was like a wailing that persisted... 

Hating or being ashamed of the past is like cutting the roots to a tree... A tree comes out of darkness and emerges as a tree and grows taller and stronger ... America should be as strong and tall and beautiful  and ancient as the California  Redwood Tree, but alas it is being treated like a thorny bush that needs constant pruning ....

Alas America, I PRAY for you

Saturday, October 26, 2019


I remember when  I was young, when  the family  dog was hungry he'd bring has paper plate in and drop it at my feet, when I was sitting in the dining or livingroom. One day my mother was sitting with me and we teased him by talking to one another... WHAT DOE HE WANT? ... I HAVE NO IDEA... He looked at her and them me and picked the plate up and  dropped it on the floor with a firm paw going down on it and, with his throat, he said I WANT!!! ... That was the FIRST time ... 

I had a Beagle that I had ESP with all his life, which is how I came to him to begin with. If he barked that he needed something, I'd look out at him or picture him . Somehow, I would  understand what he wanted. I'd 'tell' him to stop barking, lay down and I'd bring him whatever it was. He'd stop barking and go lay down....  But the first time I really knew we were doing that was when he was in the yard and got his rope tangled through two bushes. I could see how it was tangled and, pictured him doing it,  gave him hand motions as to what to do to get untangled. He stood there fixed on me and then went and untangled the rope. ... Many times after that, this is how we "spoke" to one another, for 13 years. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Follow "the Monarch" ...

It's been almost 3 months since I left my job of building cardboard castles, putting 3D puzzles together again, and assisting travelers through the maze of  needs and wants, and walking with them, sharing many experiences and personal knowledge, for minutes at a time

I have missed it, but needed to embark on this  new phase of my life experience for a number of reasons, most of which are personal... art, music, communing with nature, spiritual and physical exercise and such ...

It takes a while to build a new dwelling place while disassembling an old one. Though the time is mostly spent in discarding things, it does take time to know which things to keep and which to send back to the universe from whence they came... spiritually as well as materially speaking...

I've  had to program my subconscious to work behind the scenes to guide me to better foods and ways without conscious effort... It knows what I need better than I do, but this approach is entirely different from the conscious approach, as it is merely picturing certain things and not thinking about how to go about them, just resting and waiting until the methods are worked out and ready to put into play...many of them 'automatically'

There is a lot of sleeping and resting and playing with this and that that go into it..  The body often doesn't want to function well, because it is going through its chrysalis state, as a butterfly does, in a manner of speaking...

In the body and mind there are many little things that begin to  change as the new needs and desires aren't yet in place and working... It's necessary to  exercise them slowly, working in increments, carefully, bit by bit, with conscious awareness, in a relaxed, receptive, mode...

It's like the growth and unfurling of a new seedling... gaining strength, pushing upward, focusing on the sun... to finally be able to do more and bigger things, to blossom and nurture new  shoots, new ideas and manifestations of life experience

It is a rehabilitation of the spirit, mind and body... a revitalizing of the life force as it flows and expresses itself ...

The walk ahead requires a steady gait and strength and agility that have been left to turn to stone for too long... and this requires flexing  the body, the legs, the ankles, right down to the feet and toes, and every muscle, joint, tendon and vein within them... This is the body growing new roots and must be done gently, slowly, a bit at a time, moving them in every direction possible... before taking in the more energetic and active tasks of running, jumping, lifting etc... of  'taking flight'

And these principles are being applied in all areas and aspects of my life experience, body, mind and soul... It is a renewal and  also a new birth ... from the worthwhile things of the past, the seeds, comes the renewed being that is also the new being

So if you wonder what I am doing and why I have seemed to be in seclusion for a while, it's just that I have been working, like the seed in the soil, answering to the elements and the life from 'the son', to come forth again, ready to embark on the journey of this new phase of my life...

as I follow "the Monarch" ever higher, and further...

~ RiverLightRider

* PS ~ I haven't seen A Monarch Butterfly in 20 years, but during this time, just after I wrote this piece, one came out of the blue, flitted up to my car, against my windshield, as if looking in at me, and vanished again...
I had just enough time to take this one photo

Thursday, October 17, 2019

God is with WE THE PEOPLE

People tend to think that the Government is in control but actually it's the Federal Reserve and corporate lobbyists .... and money is power and every time more Laws are enacted, we lose even more rights
THE BIBLE only had 10 Commandments, but corporations and the government have millions of LAWS, and most of them have to do with public opinion controlled by the media which is controlled by the corporations and the economy controlled by the Fed Reserve
So tell me, after I render everything unto Caesar, where does GOD fit in? Ah God is still more powerful because God can go where no human but those spiritually aware and receptive to God can go
Therefore WE THE PEOPLE still have the potential to have far more power than Caesar